"The complex text is beautifully adapted into an abstract show that allows Judith Williams to display all her talent. And trust me, she has talent to sell. Her strong scenic presence keeps the eyes of the audience glued on her throughout."
- The Skinny
"… a stunning rendition of Orlando – a true triumph . . . Dymanic on-stage delivery . . . from the first moment . . . a Fringe experience set apart from the rest."
- Fest
"Judith Williams impresses with a witty and vulnerable performance . . . Orlando proclaims her aloneness, but with so gloriously multifarious a performance, we need not ask for anything more."
- Three Weeks
"Judith Williams grips the attention throughout this one-hander as the protangonist, with diction and delivery which have the audience hanging on every word . . . Convincing both as the rakish Elizabethan version of the hero and – as an older, yet not necessarily wiser woman, Williams strides across the stage, her performance becoming more physical and expressive as the pages of the metaphorical tale turn."
- Edinburgh Spotlight
"As the singular Orlando, Judith Williams is impressive. She is clear, clipped and sprightly as the young favourite of Queen Liz and appropriately sensual after the famous transformation. . ."
- Broadway Baby
"Judith Williams puts in a fine solo performance as Orlando, mastering the multiple transformations with ease."
- Edinburgh Fringe 2011


… fiery passion in the performances by the cast of five hugely talented actresses. …stunning performances from the cast … a spirited portrayal of the saucy Nell by Judith Williams
— Perth Advertiser

"Judith Williams excels as the cheery, foul-mouthed, impetuous Nell Gwynne…"

- Evening Telegraph


"Judith Williams, plumed in a vibrant feathery costume…is utterly engaging as the doomed exotic bird…Vocally, she has the trilling sweetness that soothes the ear yet – and her body language reinforces this with a wealth of astute detail."
- Mary Brennan, Glasgow Herald
Through 11 distinct and beautiful songs, the story tells of a lovely, vulnerable songbird, exquisitely played and sung by Judith Williams.
— Joyce McMillan, The Scotsman